Free Nutrition Facts Recipe API

Get nutrition and recipe data for 100,000+ foods and beverages

Live API Demo

text demo

Input any text

No need to format anything - our state of the art natural language processing algorithms can read any text and extract the right nutrition information.

Or upload an image

Our image text tool automatically detects food words and calculates nutrition information. Great for recipes, food journals, and restaurant menus!

image demo
text demo

Search over 200,000 recipes

From snacks to desserts, appetizers to entrees, find recipes from all corners of the world.

Why choose us?

Custom Portions

Have specific portion sizes in mind? No Problem! Our algorithms automatically adjusts nutrition results to any portion size you specify.

Global Nutrition Data

Our nutrition database contains foods and beverages from all regions of the world!

Branded items

Our database contains not only food ingredients but also complete dishes and items from your favorite restaurant chain or food brand!

Consantly Updating

We're constantly adding new items to our database and improving our algorithms so you'll always have the best information.

Build Amazing Apps


Queries Per Month


Apps Built

We've distilled our core text to nutrition technology into a simple yet powerful natural language API that many devices and platforms. From fitness coaching to food journals, let our API do the heavy lifting for you.

Most of our developers successfully use our API within 10 minutes of signing up - a figure we're truly proud of. With our easy integration, you can focus on what's truly important: building out your application.